
For a luxurious, warming Ayurvedic massage, we offer our new interpretation of the classic Ayurveda Vata massage oil. It consists of precious Danvantharam Thailam, ripened organic sesame oil, as well as Vata dosha-balancing medicinal tulsi (holy basil) and sage oil. Danvantharam Thailam is known to help calm when Vata is excited, which is further supported by the effects of tulsi and sage. 

This product is traditionally produced in our Ayurveda oil kitchen in Drestedt. The oil is bottled in 200 ml bottles and should withstand a fall on bathroom tiles.


Warm the massage oil slightly by placing the container in a bowl or pot with warm water. Once it is a comfortable temperature, massage the oil gently onto the skin. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then remove excess oil with a shower or warm bath.

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SKU: 10972-A Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.215000 kg
Content 200 ml
Intro Traditional Ayurvedic Vata Massage oil with herbs – a wellness treat
EAN 4032582021087
Brand Classic Ayurveda
Manufacturer Amla Natur
Manufacturer Address Amla Natur GmbH, Butterberg 3, 21279 Drestedt, Germany
Amount 200
Unit Milliliter (ml)
Reference Unit l
Ingredients (INCI)

Sesamum indicum seed oil, Ocimum tenuifl orum leaf extract, Salvia leaf extract, Lac, Sida cordifolia root extract, Solanum indicum root extract, Hordeum vulgare seed extract, Tribulus terrestris fruit extract, Dolichos bifl orus seed extract, Zizpus mauriania seed extract, Desmodium gangeticum root extract, Aegle marmelos fruit extract, Premna serratifolia root extract, Oroxylum indicum root extract, Gmelia arborea root extract, Stereospermum suaveolens root extract, Aquillaria agallocha wood extract, Terminalia bellerica fruit extract, Piper cubea fruit extract, Boerhavia diffusa root extract, Acorus calamus rhizome extract, Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract, Anethum gravolens seed extract, Withania somnifera root extract, Acacia senegal gum extract, Asparagus racemosus root extract, Emblica offi cinalis fruit extract, Cinnamomum tamala leaf extract, Cedrus deodara wood extract, Valeriana wallichi root extract, Terminalia chebula fruit extract, Hemidesmus indicus root extract, Phaseolus trilobus seed extract, Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark extract, Polygonatum multifl orum root Extract, Elettaria cardamomum seed extract, Rubia cordifolia root extract, Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract


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