Book your consultation with our skilled AyurVedic practitioners and get:

• A review of your current state of balance

• Diet and lifestyle tips

• Herbal recommendations

• Answers to all your questions

Dr Sheetal Shivsen Raut

Dr Sheetal Shivsen Raut is a highly qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner, having received her B.A.M.S., and higher M.D. qualification in Dravyaguna, from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (India), over an eight-year period of study and research. Following this, Dr Sheetal worked in clinical practice, as an Assistant Professor of Dravyaguna, and as an Assistant Medical Officer. During this period, she also authored and published a number of scholarly papers as well as making presentations at National Conferences and Seminars in India.

Dravyaguna, Dr Sheetal’s speciality and passion, deals with the study of herbs, their origin, nature, properties, and effects upon human beings. It is a complete science of herbal plants.

Dr Sheetal is also experienced in Nadi Vigyan, the Ayurvedic science of pulse diagnosis, an element of Ayurveda precious to Maharishi in his revival of Ayurveda.

In 2023, Dr Sheetal and her family moved to the UK. They now live in Eastbourne, where her husband works in the NHS.

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Dr Rajvinder Kaur

Vaidya Rajvinder Kaur, BAMS attained her Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from “Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College” in the state of Haryana in India. This is a six-year degree course covering all aspects of Ayurvedic Medicine.

She also has a diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga Science and is a qualified Yoga teacher.

Vaidya Rajvinder worked in General Medicine in India, specialising in women’s health care. She has lived in Ireland since 2007 and has become an integral part of Maharishi AyurVeda in the country and abroad.

She has trained in Maharishi AyurVeda under the guidance of Dr Donn Brennan and specalises in Ayurvedic treatments and consultations. Rajvinder also runs cookery courses, where her knowledge of herbs, spices, and healthy eating comes to the fore.

Vaidya Rajvinder is also an expert in Yoga, and runs one-to-one classes, teaching Yoga postures for back pain, healthy heart, weight loss, and general pain.

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